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Event Clean Up Tips: Before and After

Last updated: October 1, 2024

Hosting parties is fun, but the clean up? Not so much. Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.

I’ve hosted hundreds of events and I’ve cleaned up hundreds of times as well. These are things I do that work for me that I know will help you as a host.

In this article, you’ll learn:

  • Quick pre-party prep to minimize post-party chaos
  • Essential cleanup tasks for right after guests leave
  • Next-day strategies to restore your space
Why you should listen to me: My name is Nick Gray, and I’m the best–selling author of the party handbook The 2-Hour Cocktail Party. I’ve hosted hundreds of parties all over the world. After making it a habit, I can easily host a gathering and make new friends with no sweat. I’ve been featured in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and New York Magazine once called me a host of “culturally significant” parties.

Before Your Guests Show Up

Smart prep saves time later. Here’s what to tackle:

  1. Declutter Guest Areas: Grab a big plastic container. Toss in anything that doesn’t need to be out – toys, mail, random stuff. Stash the container out of sight. Boom! Instant tidy space.
  2. Empty Those Trash Cans: Full trash cans are party killers. Empty them before guests arrive. Keep an eye on them during the party or ask a friend to help.
  3. Bathroom Prep: Light a candle, set out hand towels, make sure there’s a small trash can. Remove your personal towels – trust me on this one.
  4. Quick Clean: Wipe down surfaces, do a light dusting. You don’t need to deep clean, but aim for “definitely not filthy.”
  5. Fridge and Dishwasher Check: Clear out old food from the fridge. Empty the dishwasher. You’ll thank yourself later.

After the Last Guest Leaves

The party’s over, but don’t crash yet. Handle these tasks now:

  1. Store Leftovers or Give it Away: Transfer food to smaller containers. Keep the chips crisp in airtight containers. A much easier option, give it away to your guests.
  2. Trash Sweep: Take a big garbage bag and do a quick sweep. Grab cups, napkins, any obvious trash. It’s amazing how much better the place looks after this one step.
  3. Dish Duty: Rinse dishes and load the dishwasher. For hand-washing, a quick soak makes morning cleanup way easier.
  4. Spot Clean: Don’t let sticky spills sit overnight. A quick wipe with an all-purpose cleaner takes seconds and saves hassle.

Next Day Cleaning

After a good night’s sleep, tackle these final steps:

  1. Kitchen Reset: Put everything back in its place. Wipe down surfaces. Your kitchen will be back to normal in no time.
  2. Living Room Shuffle: Return furniture to its usual spots. Clear any remaining party debris.
  3. Floor Focus: Sweep and mop in one go. It might feel like a big job, but powering through makes it easier.
  4. Bathroom Refresh: Give the toilet and sink a quick scrub. Wipe down surfaces. Done!


Hosting a great event doesn’t have to mean a cleaning nightmare. With these tips, you’ll be ready to welcome guests and bounce back quickly after they leave.

Key takeaways:

  • Pre-party prep saves major time later
  • Tackle essential cleanup tasks right after guests leave
  • Next-day cleaning restores your space fast
  • Break the process into small, manageable tasks
  • A little effort goes a long way in making post-party cleanup easier

Before the party, a little prep goes a long way. Decluttering, emptying trash cans, and doing a quick clean sets you up for success. It’s like giving yourself a head start in a race – you’ll be thankful when the party’s in full swing.

Right after the guests leave, tackle the essentials. It might be tempting to leave everything for the morning, but trust me – future you will be grateful. Storing leftovers, doing a quick trash sweep, and rinsing dishes takes maybe 15 minutes but saves hours of hassle later.

The next day, focus on restoring your space. Take it room by room – kitchen, living room, bathroom. Before you know it, your place will be back to normal, maybe even cleaner than before the party!

In my book, The 2-Hour Cocktail Party, I provide helpful guidance on how to host a great party for any event. I wrote this book to support anyone interested in meeting new people.

When is your party? Send me an email and I will give you some bonus tips, including a pre-party checklist that you can print out. Plus, I’ll answer any question you have, free of charge. I love talking about parties, and I’m on a mission to help 500 people host their first party.

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About the author

Nick Gray is the author of The 2-Hour Cocktail Party. He’s been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and in a popular TEDx talk. He sold his last company Museum Hack in 2019. Today he’s an expert on networking events, small parties, and creating relationships. Read more about Nick Gray here.

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Look at the reviews: 500+ people can't be wrong. This is my book that I've worked on for the past 5 years and hosted hundreds of events with. It is the single-best resource that is PACKED with tactical tips and the exact scripts I use.

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