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Cups: Best Party Cups to Buy

Last updated: September 25, 2024

Hi! Cups cups cups. Aaaaah. So many thoughts. I’m still working on finishing these pages. For now, please visit:

FULL SUPPLIES LIST – Stuff I Buy on Amazon For My Parties

Cups I recommend!

Plastic cups go in and out of stock on Amazon. I’ll list a few. You want a sturdy, clear plastic that holds 9-12 ounces. I’ve paid around $20 for 100.

Reusable Options

  • My friend Mary Childs suggests: “adorably mismatched mugs from a thrift store, and then you can always (clean them and) donate afterwards.”

A Note from The Author (Nick Gray)

You’re doing it! This will be fun.

My big goal in writing this book and these articles is to get 500 people to host their own party and tell me about it.

You can see my current list and count at

Send me an email or text me with your party date.

Email to or text me at +1-917-635-9967

I reply to every message, usually quick. And I’ll give you a few bonus tips and tricks or answer any questions.

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  • Recently I was at a party where they had these wine glass markers. They worked really well! The trick is writing your name on the cups BEFORE you put any beverage in it. If you wait until AFTER, the cup will get cold, or moist, and the marker ink doesn’t stick properly.
I wrote my name on the wine glass using these wine glass markers.
Wine glass markers

There’s an alternative option that you could buy on Amazon: GAINWELL Wine Glass Markers – Pack of 8

These have good reviews on Amazon. I imagine they are the same or similar to the ones I tried in my photos.

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About the author

Nick Gray is the author of The 2-Hour Cocktail Party. He’s been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and in a popular TEDx talk. He sold his last company Museum Hack in 2019. Today he’s an expert on networking events, small parties, and creating relationships. Read more about Nick Gray here.

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