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Podcast Interviews for The 2-Hour Cocktail Party

Last updated: July 24, 2024

These are all of the podcasts I have been a guest on where I talk about party hosting and The 2-Hour Cocktail Party!

Table of Contents

How To Make Friends As An Adult With Nick Gray

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Discover how to make friends as an adult with Nick Gray, the author of ‘The Two-Hour Cocktail Party.’ In this episode, we dive into the challenges and solutions for making friends as adults. Nick shares his structured approach to hosting events that facilitate new connections and relationships, especially for those who struggle to build a network as they age.

Additionally, Allan provides insight into marketing strategies and discusses the impact of writing a book on one’s personal and professional social life.

This episode is packed with actionable advice on making friends as an adult, ensuring you walk away with the tools and confidence to build meaningful connections.

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Host a 2-Hour Cocktail Party: Powerful Small Gatherings ft. Nick Gray | Holistic Ambition | EP 53


Dive headfirst into the transformative world of hosting with “Host a 2-Hour Cocktail Party: Activate the Power of Small Gatherings.”

In this riveting episode, we, alongside the captivating Nick Gray, explore the seamless blend of social gatherings and genuine connections. Let me break it down for you: hosting isn’t just about throwing a party; it’s about creating an atmosphere where strangers can morph into lifelong friends, based on my experience and the insightful anecdotes shared by Nick. We discuss the magic behind small, intimate gatherings and how they can significantly amplify your social circle and deepen connections.

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914: 2-Hour Cocktail Party: Socialize, Network, and Build Your Circle Of Friends Using A Step-By-Step Checklist with Nick Gray

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In this episode, Nick talks about helping people who are having difficulties making new friends as an adult, solving the loneliness epidemic, the purposes and benefits of holding a party and making new friends, and the NICK Party Formula.

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Learn The Two-Hour Cocktail Party Blueprint to Grow Your Business with Nick Gray

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Welcome to another episode of our podcast where we dive deep into the art of creating meaningful connections and unforgettable gatherings. Today, we’re thrilled to have Nick Gray, the visionary founder of Museum Hack and the brilliant mind behind the book “The Two-Hour Cocktail Party,” join us for a conversation that promises to reshape your approach to hosting.


  • The importance of hosting events to build networks and bring people together.
  • Creating personal and memorable experiences by hosting events at one’s home.
  • Utilizing specific structures and icebreakers to facilitate engagement and connection at parties.
  • The impact of personal invitations and the concept of ‘mixing buckets’ to foster diverse connections.

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Build Big Relationships with 2-Hour Cocktail Parties – Nick Gray


In this episode, we dive deep into the art of hosting in-person events with the party master himself, Nick Gray. Nick, the author of “The 2-Hour Cocktail Party,” shares his expert insights on how to leverage events for business networking and growth. With his experience in helping hundreds host their first event, Nick provides a wealth of knowledge for anyone looking to create meaningful connections and generate leads through well-crafted gatherings.

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How can I meet new people? (with Nick Gray)

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Best-selling author Nick Gray wrote one of the most influential books I read last year, “The 2-Hour Cocktail Party,” which is essentially a formula and guide to hosting small gatherings or parties. This book aims to help you meet new people, strengthen existing relationships, and make YOU the person everyone wants to know. I read this book the first week I moved to the US and threw a party three weeks later. I really do love his book and recommend it all the time.

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Nick Gray’s Strategy For a Successful Meetup: Mastering Meetups


In this weeks episode, Ozeal chats with the mastermind behind the bestselling book ‘The Two Hour Cocktail Party.’ Learn how to create meaningful connections by hosting your own cocktail party.

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Episode 88 – Working with Your Parents – Talking with Nick Gray, Entrepreneur, 2x Exit Personality

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Hosting a party is the easiest way to gather and get connections.

This is the highlight of Nick Gray’s non-traditional book called “The 2-Hour Cocktail Party” where you learn how to party with rules and start new relationships that could potentially lead to business. Nick is the founder of Museum Hack and worked closely with his parents in Flight Display Systems, where he had his first taste of running a business, an experience he will be sharing here in the latest episode of The Disruptive Successor.

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Nick Gray || The 2-Hour Cocktail Party: How to Build Big Relationships with Small Gatherings

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In this episode, Nick discusses the key insights in his book, from how to boost the event attendance rate to leading rounds of icebreakers. Moreover, he shares the formula for hosting different gatherings, such as housewarming parties, baby showers, happy hour parties, dinner parties, and networking events.

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Becoming a Master Networker, Entrepreneurship and Getting Over “Cringe”

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In this episode of Tiger Therapy, we discuss how to host the ultimate networking party, how to get past feeling “cringe” when promoting your business on social media, and Nick’s entrepreneur journey – prior to The Two Hour Cocktail Party he built and sold 2 multi-million dollar companies, including Museum Hack, that was listed as one of Inc. 5000’s fastest growing companies in America.

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How to Make Friends with Nick Gray, Episode #171


Listen in for some great takeaways about Nick’s journey of building and selling successful companies and using his love of cocktail parties to help make friends and grow businesses.

Learn how you can become the person that hosts interesting parties on episode 171 of Mitlin Money Mindset® with best-selling author Nick Gray!

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The Remote Work Tribe Podcast: Nick Gray

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In this episode of the Remote Work Tribe podcast, we chat with Nick Gray, Founder of Museum Hack and Best-Selling Author of The Two Hour Cocktail Party. We talk about his journey hosting thousands of events, the importance of icebreakers, non-obvious tips to host a great experience, and more. 

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Power Hosting for Business Success with Nick Gray

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In this awesome GSR podcast we learn to get back to basics to get stratospheric returns from your next event. Nick Gray gives B.D. and the Lazy Over Achiever massive top tips on making the 2 Hour Cocktail party your next and best event ever.

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Just Get Started: EPISODE 404: Author, “The 2-Hour Cocktail Party”

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Nick Gray is an entrepreneur and best-selling author living in Austin, Texas. He started and sold two successful companies: Flight Display Systems and Museum Hack. Nick is the author of The 2-Hour Cocktail Party, a step-by-step handbook that teaches you how to build big relationships by hosting small gatherings. Over 75,000 people have watched his TEDx talk about why he hates most museums. He’s been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and New York Magazine called him a host of “culturally significant parties.”

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Socially Awkward Entrepreneur? Here’s The #1 Way To Grow Your Network


Nick Gray is a successful entrepreneur and author of “The 2 Hour Cocktail Party.”
During the interview, Nick discusses his approach to making new friends and building a strong network through hosting small gatherings.

The conversation explores various themes, such as the power of loose connections, the mechanics of organizing successful events, overcoming the challenges of being an introvert, and the importance of personal interaction in building meaningful relationships.

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From Museum Tours to Best-Selling Book: Nick Gray’s Story

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Embark on a captivating journey with Nick Gray as he shares his inspiring story, from museum tours to best-selling books! ???? Tune in to the latest episode of hashtag#ThinkBigPodcast with Dan & Qasim.

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The Secrets to Hosting Memorable and Impactful Social Events | Nick Gray

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In his conversation with Nick Gray, James Altucher explores practical advice for enhancing social interactions, particularly in the context of hosting gatherings. James, who often feels out of place at social events, seeks insights from Nick, an expert in hosting successful small-scale parties.

Nick shares his transformation from disliking traditional parties to excelling in organizing intimate, engaging events. He highlights the importance of having a small core group to initiate the event, creating a well-balanced guest list, and engaging activities like icebreakers to break the ice.

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The Art of Meaningful Gatherings: Insights from Nick Gray

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As you may already know, I’m very formulaic. So when I discovered someone who created formulas for planning successful gatherings with optimized logistics, I knew I had to use that information.

And when I did it, I learned strategies for overcoming fears of hosting and techniques for facilitating meaningful connections between guests. In this episode, the expert will teach you how to do it for your events.

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How to Host a 2-Hour Cocktail Party

How to host a two hour cocktail party

Welcome to episode 890 of the Boostly Podcast, where we explore the art of hosting memorable events with Nick Gray, an expert with a track record of over nine hundred two-hour happy hours.

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How To Enrich Your Life Through A 2 Hour Cocktail Party


Post-Exit Entrepreneur And Thought Leader Nick Gray On How To Enrich Your Life Through A 2 Hour Cocktail Party, November29, 2023 by Jeffrey Feldberg

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How to Succeed at Building Big Relationships With Small Gatherings with Nick Gray

How to Succeed at Building Big Relationships With Small Gatherings With Nick Gray

How to Succeed at Building Big Relationships With Small Gatherings, November 21 2023 by Mike Montague

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Nick Gray on Building Big Relationships with Small Parties or Gatherings

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How to Build Big Relationships with Small Gatherings, November 6, 2023 by Erick Fisher

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How to Make New Friends

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How to Make New Friends, October 28, 2023

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The 2-Hour Cocktail Party

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The 2-Hour Cocktail Party, October 8, 2023 by Mark Gandy

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How to Grow Your Network and Be Seen as a Natural Connector with Nick Gray

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How to Grow Your Network and Be Seen as a Natural Connector with Nick Gray

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How to Make New Friends & Build Big Relationships Using The 2-Hour Cocktail Party Method with Nick Gray


How to Make New Friends & Build Big Relationships Using the 2-Hour Cocktail Party Method

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Nick Gray – The 2-Hour Cocktail Party

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Nick Gray- The 2-Hour Cocktail Party

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Self Publishing School with Chandler Bolt

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How To Host An Epic Book Launch Party

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Marketer of the Day with Robert Plank

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914: 2-Hour Cocktail Party: Socialize, Network, and Build Your Circle Of Friends Using A Step-By-Step Checklist with Nick Gray

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The Struggle is Real with Justin Peters

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The Secrets to Hosting a Successful Networking Party | E109 Nick Gray

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How Did They Do It? With Aileen and Seyla Prak

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A Simple Party-Hosting Formula for Real Estate Investors

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Marketplace Discussions with Mahmoud Rasmi


The Power of the 2-Hour Cocktail Party | Nick Gray

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Better Call Daddy with Reena Friedman Watts

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Adults Need Parties Too: Tips for Hosting a Simple Yet Effective Cocktail Party

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Dr. Chris E. Scout


Nick Gray, The Underdog Wunderkind and Superconnector

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B.O.O.S.T. Podcast with Kelly Leonard

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The 2-Hour Cocktail Party

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Accelerated Real Estate Investor with Josh Cantwell

accelerated real estate investor

Nick Gray on Creating Great Networking Events with a 2-Hour Cocktail Party

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The Teevee Show Podcast with Teevee Aguirre


Conversation with Nick Gray: The Low-Maintenance Way to Connect with Friends and Make New Friendships

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Walk 2 Wealth with John Mendez

100th episode

Behind the scenes of the 100th episode

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Authors Who Lead with Azul Terronez

AWL Nick
Hosting a Two-Hour Cocktail Party That Makes an Impact

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The Art of Living Well with Stephanie May Potter and Marnie Dachis Marmet

How to build big relationships and host a 2-hour cocktail party with Nick Gray

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Legacy Leadership

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Building a Thriving Social Community with Nick Gray

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Learn Speak Teach with Ben Albert

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The 2-Hour Cocktail Party: How to Build Big Relationships with Small Gatherings

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A New Direction with Jay Izso

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How To Build Big Relationships With Small Gatherings

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Don’t Do It Yourself with Geoff Cudd

DDIY Podcast

Entrepreneur Spotlight Series: Nick Gray

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The Growth Guide with Clint Robert Murphy

Episode 84 Cover Art with Clint Guest

How to Build Big Relationships with Small Gathering with Nick Gray

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Thought Leadership Leverage with Peter Winick

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Taking a Book to Scale | Nick Gray

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The Art of Manliness with Brett McKay

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Podcast #874: Throw a 2-Hour Cocktail Party That Can Change Your Life

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The Conversation Factory with Daniel Stillman

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The Surprising Power of Two Hour Mid-week Cocktail Parties

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Author Nation Interviews with Melody Ann

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Make Your Book Launch Feel Like a Cocktail Party

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Success Profiles Radio with Brian K Wright

Nick Gray Discussed How To Build Your Business and Personal Network Through Hosting 2-Hour Cocktail Parties

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One Sharp Sword with Dr. Wayne Pernell

wayne one sharp sword

Interview with Nick Gray

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The Rev Real Estate School Podcast


Client Events For Realtors: Made Easy

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The Scott Townsend Show

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Host A Party Like a Pro w/Nick Gray

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Famous Interview with Joe Dimino

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Founder of Museum Hack, Partner at Flight Display & Best Selling Author of The 2-Hour Cocktail Party Nick Gray

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The Action Catalyst

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The 2-Hour Cocktail Party, with Nick Gray

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FounderStory by Cloud Devs

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The Story in Your Head with Ron Macklin and Deb Dendy

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The Two Hour Cocktail Party with Nick Gray

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You Can Make Friends with Louisa Liska

Episode 3 Nick Gray

You Can Host a Cocktail Party with Nick Gray

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He Said, She Said: Razor Branding Podcast with Jaci & Michael

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Relationship Branding with Nick Gray

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Sketch Comedy Podcast Show

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Nick Gray | Museum Hacker and COCKTAIL PARTY MASTER

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The Lifestyle Investor

Scaling Businesses, Exit Deals, and the 2-Hour Cocktail Party with Nick Gray

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Screw the Commute

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Small can become Big: Tom interviews Nick Gray

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Work and Live Large with Leanne Hughes


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All the Hacks with Chris Hutchins

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Hosting Cocktail Parties, Building Relationships, Museum Hacks and Friends Newsletters

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My Wakeup Call with Dr. Mark Goulston

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EP 414 – Nick Gray

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From MD to Entrepreneur with Dr. Pranay Parikh

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E024 – Host a Networking Event That Doesn’t Suck with Nick Gray

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Work From Your Happy Place with Belinda Ellsworth

Episode 496 Cover Art

Episode 496: How To Build Your Network Through Cocktail Parties with Nick Gray

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Entrepreneur’s Enigma with Seth Goldstein

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Nick Gray On How To Expand Your Network Through 2-Hour Cocktail Parties

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Writer on the Side Podcast with Hassan Osman

writer on the side

Ep. 106 How Nick Gray Sold 5,000 Copies of His First Book in 3 Months

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The Authentic Gay Man Podcast by Coach Maddox

authentic gay man podcast

Fireside Chat With Maddox: Nick Gray teaches us how to build big relationships with small gatherings

October 14, 2022

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Tech Money Podcast by Malcolm Ethridge

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The Importance of Building Your Network in Real Life

October 12, 2022

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The Art of Curation with Mia Quagliarello

the art of curation

The Host With the Most: Meet Nick Gray, Cocktail Party Curator (Podcast)

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Buy Grow Sell Podcast with Simon Bedard

Buy Grow Sell

My Business Was My Passion Project I Never Thought I’d Sell It

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Friendship Futurism Podcast with Bill Mei

friendship futurism

Nick Gray

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Do The Thing with Stacey Lauren

Nick Gray: Two Hours, Cocktails, And Icebreakers Are Pieces Of The Secret Formula For Expanding Your Network, According To This High-Achiever

September 13, 2022

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Coffee + BS with Travis Hinman

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Coffee and BS – Nick Gray

September 11, 2022

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Money for Lunch with Bert Martinez


The Party That Will Change Your Life Forever

August 30, 2022

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Entrepreneur MBA Podcast with Stephen Halasnik

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The 2-Hour Cocktail Party: How to Build Big Relationships with Small Gatherings with Nick Gray. Entrepreneur MBA 4.7

August 28, 2022

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The Mountain Top Podcast with Scot McKay

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Episode 318: Build Your Social Circle Like a Boss

August 25, 2022

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Coffee with Kim Kaupe


#101 How to Host a Party with Nick Gray

August 17, 2022

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The Nik Fuller Show

Thumbnail of The Nik Fuller Show Episode with Nick Gray

Episode 010: How to HOST the perfect 2-Hour Cocktail Party

August 4, 2022

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Sh*t I Wish I Knew In My Twenties with Debra Alfarone

Debra Alfarone Nick Gray 1

How throwing parties in his 20s led to Nick Gray’s success and how you can do it too!

July 25, 2022

Link to podcast and episode notes:

Life Self Mastery Podcast with Rohit Malhotra

Life Self Mastery Podcast with Nick and Rohit

Episode 250: How to Make New Friends and Build Big Relationships with Nick Gray

July 15, 2022

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Link to YouTube video interview:

My First Million Podcast with Sam and Shaan


How FTX Scaled A $30 Billion Company With Only 30 Engineers!

June 21, 2022

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The Winfluence Podcast with Jason Falls

Winfluence podcast with Jason Falls

The Cocktail Party Method to Grow Your Own Influence

June 20, 2022

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Become More Compelling with Jeff Callahan

become more compelling

How To Throw A Party That People Will Love (With Nick Gray)

June 18, 2022

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Link to YouTube video interview:

OkDork by Noah Kagan


The 2-Hour Cocktail Party

June 18, 2022

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Forcing Function Hour with Chris Sparks

Forcing Function Podcast

Episode 27: Throwing Great Parties

June 17, 2022

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Portfolio Career Website with David Nebinski

David Nebinski and Nick Cover Art

Episode 217: How To Host A Cocktail Party and Life Hacks

June 2, 2022

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Family Vacationer with Rob Jones

family vacationer

S1E80: Traveling with Other Families

May 24, 2022

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The Meaning Movement with Dan Cumberland

the meaning movement

Building a Network, Hosting Cocktail Parties, and the Importance of Hobby Projects with Nick Gray

May 31, 2022

Link to podcast and episode notes:

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About the author

Nick Gray is the author of The 2-Hour Cocktail Party. He’s been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and in a popular TEDx talk. He sold his last company Museum Hack in 2019. Today he’s an expert on networking events, small parties, and creating relationships. Read more about Nick Gray here.

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2. Get your 2-page Party Checklist.
With over 19 things you can do right now to improve your next party. Plus an Executive Summary of the key lessons inside my book. Get the PDF now.

3. Buy The 2-Hour Cocktail Party on Amazon or Audible.
Look at the reviews: 500+ people can't be wrong. This is my book that I've worked on for the past 5 years and hosted hundreds of events with. It is the single-best resource that is PACKED with tactical tips and the exact scripts I use.

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