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3 Ways to Upgrade Any Party

Last updated: March 27, 2024

Do you have a big party coming up soon? You can do these three things to make any party better for you and for your guests:

  1. Name tags
  2. Reminder messages
  3. Guest Bios

I’ll review each of these things and tell you exactly how to do them. When you use them, your party will have more new connections, more conversations, and your guests will see you as an excellent host.

Warning: If your party is only a few days away, be careful about adding too much structure and surprises. Come back to my party planning handbook later. For now, just use these simple edits to upgrade your event.

A Note from The Author (Nick Gray)

You’re doing it! This will be fun.

My big goal in writing this book and these articles is to get 500 people to host their own party and tell me about it.

You can see my current list and count at

Send me an email or text me with your party date.

Email to [email protected] or text me at +1-917-635-9967

I reply to every message, usually quick. And I’ll give you a few bonus tips and tricks or answer any questions.

Send me a note now. Email to [email protected] or text me at +1-917-635-9967

Name tags

Using name tags is the single best piece of advice to upgrade your party. Guests will talk to more people, feel more comfortable, and you’ll be seen as a more organized host when you use name tags.

Review this article or Chapter 5 in my book about the How and Why and Best Practices for using name tags:

Name Tags For Your Party
Read why name tags are important for your parties.

How to properly use name tags

Buy a package of 50 name tags and at least 2 thick markers (such as the popular Sharpie brand). Write the first names of your guests when they arrive, and ensure that everyone wears a name tag.

Reminder messages

There’s a lot to say here about Reminders, but I’ll start with this:

Err on the side of sending more, not fewer, reminder messages about your upcoming party.

In my many years of hosting parties, for hundreds if not thousands of people, I’ve never once received a complaint about sending too many reminder messages.

I’ve written an entire article about reminder messages, and a whole chapter in my book:

three reminder notes for a party
The 3 Reminder Messages That You MUST Send for Your Party
  1. Send your 1st reminder message 1 week before your party.
  2. Send your 2nd reminder message 3-4 days before your party.
  3. Send your 3rd and final reminder message on the morning of your party.

Guest Bios

Include a brief shoutout to several of the guests attending your party in your 2nd and 3rd reminder message. Guest Bios are like my secret weapon. They’ll encourage more people to show up, give confidence to introverts, and get people excited for your party.

Guest Bios
Read this informative article on how to write your guest bios.


Using name tags, guest bios, and sending reminder messages will make your party better. Guests will have more new conversations – and that’s the whole point of a party. People like to meet new people. And everyone can use to make a new friend.

See the advice that I gave Cathy, here, about how to improve her upcoming party.

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About the author

Nick Gray is the author of The 2-Hour Cocktail Party. He’s been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and in a popular TEDx talk. He sold his last company Museum Hack in 2019. Today he’s an expert on networking events, small parties, and creating relationships. Read more about Nick Gray here.

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3. Buy The 2-Hour Cocktail Party on Amazon or Audible.
Look at the reviews: 500+ people can't be wrong. This is my book that I've worked on for the past 5 years and hosted hundreds of events with. It is the single-best resource that is PACKED with tactical tips and the exact scripts I use.

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